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Showing posts from July, 2020

Wireless Weather Station

Wireless weather station u sing Arduino   Dear friends welcome back! Today we are going to build a wireless weather station project using Arduino.Without any further delay, let’s get started!  A Wireless Weather Station with a big 3.2” Color TFT display. The project is up and running,and it displays the current date and time, the indoor temperature and humidity, and the outdoor temperature and humidity. The readings of the outdoor sensor are updated every second in order to demonstrate that we have a reliable communication link established with the transmitter which is outside at a distance of 5m. The readings of the indoor sensor are updated once every minute. The heart of the project is the fast Arduino Due, there is no flickering of the screen when the values are updated. Let’s now see the transmitter.  The transmitter is much simpler. It consists of an Arduino Nano, a DHT22 sensor and the NRF24L01 wireless transceiver module. The transmitter reads the temperature and the humidity e

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Motion Detector Camera

Motion Detector With Photo Capture Camera   Hello friends!! Welcome to This Blog. In this Blog, we will make a motion sensor detector with photo capture using ESP32CAM and the PIR module. The logic behind is when the PIR sensor detects any motion, the ESP32CAM will start taking the pictures. So you can use this project as a security camera. In thisblog, I will share the circuitdiagram, Arduino sketch, and the component list, so after reading the complete article you can easily make this project. Now ESP32 CAM is a small camera module that has ESP32S chip on the back and some GPIO pins to connect peripherals and it also has a micro-SD card slot, where you can insert the micro-SD card and store the pictures. Now before going to the circuit diagram and Arduino sketch, let me give you a quick overview of this project.  Components Required ESP32-CAM  PIR Motion Sensor Module BC547 NPN Transistor 220ohm, 1k, 10k Resistor. LED 5-mm FTDI 232 USB to Serial Interface board 5 volt DC supply  The

Bidirectional Visitor Counter

Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Arduino A bidirectional visitor counter using Arduino may be a reliable circuit that takes over the task of counting variety of Persons/Visitors within the Room very accurately. if somebody enters into the space then the Counter is incremented by one and also leaves it might be incremented. MATERIALS REQUIRED: Arduino IR Module 16*2 LED 5V Relay Resistor(1K,220 ohm) Breadboard Jumper Wires The total number of persons inside the space is Shows on the 16X2 LCD module. The microcontroller does the work it receives the signals from the sensors, and this signals operated under the control of software which is stored in EPROM of Arduino. There are two IR Modules are used. first, one are often wont to count the amount of persons entering a hall within the up mode at the doorway gate. and therefore the other can count the amount of persons leaving the hall by decrementing the count at the exit gate. In this Project will helps to Wastage of electricity. In ou

Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser

Automatic Hand Sanitizer Dispenser Using Arduino Hi guys! Welcome to an exciting Blog. Today we are going to do a project which is very relevant in the present scenario We are going to make an automatic hand sanitizer or hand wash dispenser. We just need to keep our hand below it and it dispenses hand sanitizer or hand wash without any direct contact. Components: Arduino Battery Servo Motor HC - SR04 Glue Gun Now, Let's Begin.  Description: First of all, we need some sheets to make the structure of the dispenser We'll stick the longer sheet on the smaller one by using a hot gun We are using the sheet that is used to make the ceiling Next we need a piece of sheet with a hole in its center we can stick that sheet on top of the longer sheet Now lets stick a small piece in the gap for a stronger hold Then stick a washer over the hole We made this washer Then we made a piston using a sketch pen and wheel cup of a toy JCB For a stronger hold we stick a washer between the sketch pen a