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Agriculture Robot

Agribot – Smartphone Controlled Agricultural Robot

Struggling to take care of your garden and wish that someone else did it for you? Well, this project is here to save your day! Meet Agribot: a smart robot that monitors the moisture level of the soil and waters it wherever the level is low!

We’re going to modify the 4-wheel drive robot that we previously made in one of our blog to make the agribot. Click on the link below for finding out how to make the 4-wheel drive robot.
 Ready to make automate gardening? Let’s begin! 

Components for this project:

  • Chassis 
  • Motor clamp
  • Servo motor
  • Servo horn
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • DC water pump
  • Pipe
  • Ice cream stick 
  • Cable tie
  • Li-po battery
  • Relay spacers 
  • Jumper cables 
  • PET bottle
  • Evive
  • Dabble
  • PictoBlox
  • Nuts and bolts


Let's begin by setting the servo angle. We will set the angle to 90° using evive’s menu. Connect the Servo to servo Channel 1. Next, from the menu, select Controls, then select servos and finally navigate to Servo 1. Set the servo angle to 90° using potentiometer 1. Now, glue the servo onto theclamp using some hot glue. Attach the clamp to the front of the chassis. Now, let’s test the soil moisture sensor. Connect VCC to evive’s +5v pin. Connect GND to evive's GND. Connect signal pin to evive’s A0 pin. Next, from the menu, select pin state monitor and navigate to analog pins. Observe the reading next to pin A0 when the sensor’s tip is in the open air. The number 1023 will be displayed. Now, dip the sensor into the water. You will observe that the value will decrease. This means that the sensor is working perfectly. Now that we know that the sensor is A-OK,let’s mount it on the robot. Take the this part of the sensor and attach it to the front of the chassis. Now its time for making the connections. Connect VCC to evive's +5V pin. Connect GND to evive's GND pin. Connect Signal Pin to evive's A0 pin. Extend the servo wires. Connect VCC to +5v of evive, GND to GND of evive, Signal pin to evive’s pin 3. Now, let’s make the soil moisture testing assembly. Take an Ice Cream stick and attach it to the servo horn. Next, glue the probes of the Soil moisture sensor to the ice cream stick. Now, let’s assemble the automatic-watering mechanism. Take a soft PU Pipe and glue one of its ends onto the ice cream stick. Now, to switch the motor ON and OFF automatically,we’ll use a relay. Now, we need to add the storage tank. Fasten the 45mm spacers to the chassis. Next, attach the servo horn to the servo head. Now bring the pipe and the jumper cables ofthe relay to the top. And mount the second chassis onto the spacers. Then, fix the relay on the top chassis. Time for connecting it to evive! Connect VCC to evive’s +5V, Connect GND to evive’s GND, Connect Signal to evive’s digital pin 10. We will be using a plastic bottle as our storage tank. Take the bottle that is already cut in half. Then, glue it onto the top chassis. Now, it's time to power up our robot. Attach the Lipo battery to the chassis using cable ties. Next, take the water pump and fit the pipe to the outlet of the pump. Then, place the pump inside the bottle. Now, connect the negative end of the battery to the pump connector. Then, take a small piece of wire and connect it to the positive terminal of the pump. Now, connect the positive end of the battery to common on the relay. Connect the wire from the pump to NC on the relay. With this, the assembly of the agribot is done and dusted! Time to write its code in Picto Blox. Since we need to control the robot wirelessly, we’re going to write the code in the Upload mode. Since the agribot is a modified 4-wheel drive robot, let’s first write the code for the 4-wheel drive robot. The when evive starts up block will make sure that the program starts running as soon as evive starts up. The relay connected to pin 10 should initially be OFF and the screen should be blank. On pressing Up on game pad in Dabble, the robot should go straight and 'Straight' should be displayed on the screen. Similarly on pressing down, the robot should move backward and 'Backward' should be displayed on the screen. The robot should turn Left on pressing the Left arrow and 'Left' should be displayed on the screen. Finally, the robot should turn Right on pressing the right button and 'Right' will also be displayed on to the screen. Till this point, we've written the code for controlling the robot’s movements. Now let’s write the code for sensing the soil moisture level and watering it. On pressing the triangle button, the servo angle should change to 0° thus inserting the terminals of the soil moisture sensor into the soil. If the reading of the soil moisture sensor at Analog Pin A0 is more than 800, it means that the soil is dry. Therefore, the motor should turn ON and water the soil. Once done, it should turn OFF. Finally, on pressing the cross,the servo should return to its original angle. But, what if nothing is pressed? In that case, the Robot should stop moving and 'Brake' should be displayed onto the screen. Upload the code to evive and watch your agribot take care of the soil for you!


Hope you liked this Blog, don't forget to share it with your friends.If you have anything you'd like us to make next, let us know in the comment section below. And for more such exciting DIY projects, Follow to Electronics Projects.

Take Care and Bye-Bye!!!

To Visit Wi-fi Controlled Robot Blog:Click Here


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